Category Archives: senbatsu sousenkyo

Kaotan’s SKE48 domination compilation.

matsumura_kaori_003(Click the image to go to the video)

Kaotan has uploaded some footage of the sousenkyo from among the SKE members to her YouTube channel. It ends at Akarin so doesn’t include Churi, Aya or herself (or Sae-chan and Jurina as they were after her).

My highs and lows from the 41st single senbatsu sousenkyo.


Here are some of my thoughts on yesterday’s election. I’ve put it behind spoiler protection in case you have somehow been able to look at any AKB-related sites today without finding out the results.

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The top three things I want to see today.


Here are the top three things I would like to see happen today, in no particular order.

  • #1 going to someone who has never been #1 before. Yukirin is a good contender here.
  • Takamina making Kami7.
  • Sae-chan achieving her highest rank (8 or better). I know she’s kind of aiming for Kami7 but this was her goal as stated in the guide.

Some (possibly completely uninteresting) number-crunching of last year’s election results.

Out of curiosity I put together a spreadsheet to find out exactly how much change there was between the preliminary and final results in last year’s election.

As you can see, the top seven places only changed, at most, by two. In fact, put in the simplest terms, the only changes were:

  • Mayuyu and Sasshi swapped places.
  • Yukirin and Jurina swapped places.
  • Paruru dropped two places, pushing Rena and Sayanee up.

Of course, this will bear no relation to what actually happens this year, but I thought it was interesting.

This is also on Google Docs.

Some thoughts on the 41st single senbatsu preliminary results.


With the preliminary results out I thought I’d share my thoughts on some of the results. I’ve put them after the cut to avoid spoilers, so don’t go any further if you don’t want to know.

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