Category Archives: Kashiwagi Yuki

Variety Clips #7 – Yukirin demonstrates TV food reactions to Gatanee.

This is from a preview of an upcoming NGT48 show which will be aired in September. The full preview is here, starting at 5:18, and there’s some information here.

Sae-chan’s power injection.

I’ve been at NHK the whole time from 10 this morning
until now o(`ω´ )o

I went outside for the first time in ages☀️→🌙
,,,however I have one more job to do💪💪

Let’s do it.

Kashi Power injection💓💉

And here’s Yukirin’s corresponding tweet.

I’ve been recording at NHK since this morning😗

I was able to meet Myaazaa-san😘
Myaazaa-san is pretending to be angry☺️

If AKB48 members keep doing this…

…I’ll have Dragon Night stuck in my head permanently.

Translation: Good morning. #Dragon Night