Monthly Archives: August 2015

Mayuyu puts in some last-minute training for the sports meet.

Good morning.
Well, today is the long-awaited 48 Group Sports Meet so I came to do some voluntary training.

She did a similar thing for the AKB48 Sports Meet earlier in the year.

Variety Clips #7 – Yukirin demonstrates TV food reactions to Gatanee.

This is from a preview of an upcoming NGT48 show which will be aired in September. The full preview is here, starting at 5:18, and there’s some information here.

Don’t even joke about taking Rena’s shaved ice.


Phone wallpapers.

I recently replaced my phone but have grown bored of looking at the default wallpaper so I’ve put together a few 48 Group ones and thought I may as well put them up here. Most of the images for these are from the various members’ Twitter accounts.

The resolution is 1440 x 2560 (Samsung Galaxy S6) so they may or may not be suitable for other phones. Some of the images will be a little grainy when viewed on a desktop, but they’re fine on the phone since the pixels are much smaller.

Here’s a zip file containing all of the wallpapers (5.59 MB).

If you just want an individual wallpaper then right click and save the link not the image. If you save the image you’ll get a small version. Also, the images in the carousel (left clicking) are not the full size versions either.

Happy birthday, Sae-chan!

I’ve turned 25!
It’s my 10th birthday since joining 48 Group.

I’m going to make an effort so that I can go on freely, with self-respect and with confidence.

I’m still inexperienced and just cause people worry, but please continue to support me from now on!( ;  ; )

#お誕生日おめでとう[happy birthday]